Old IBM Apple APNS Push Certificate used for Verse expired on Friday 03.02.17
Detlev Poettgen Februar 6 2017 01:03:25 PM
If you are still running an older IBM Traveler version as like, you will notice since Friday that the Push Notification for IBM Verse for iOS are no longer working.You will see many error messages on the console:
06.02.2017 11:59:08 Traveler: SEVERE *system Couldn't send message after 3 retries, Message(Id=692311; Token=8C720F7F9B96D30C184445840EF0D0D925BC8C269618C7523E0B98EE9B61A03E; Payload={"aps":{"badge":14,"content-available":1,"alert":"E-Mail von test.de","sound":"v)"},"LGUID":"2068982","FLAGS":"1001","account":"1"}) Exception Thrown: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error
The reason is that the APNS certificate used for IBM Verse for iOS expired on Friday 03th Feb. 2017. The certificate is part of the Traveler installation package. And the IBM Verse APNS P12 file of Traveler is expired.
To solve it you will have two options:
1. Option: Move on to Traveler
Update your server to the latest version, but have in mind that there is still a known issue:
2. Option: Stay on and only change the P12 certificate files.
You can replace your existing certs and use this three files, which I copied from my Traveler server. The certs are valid until August 12 2017.
Extract the zip-file and copy the three P12-files to your Traveler server: notes_data/traveler/cfg and restart your Traveler server
You can check, if the Push Notifications are working and how long the certs are valid by executing this command:
tell traveler push cmstatus
It should look like this:
> tell traveler push cmstatus
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: ########## Connection Manager (Mon Feb 06 13:51:46 CET 2017) ##########
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: Description: Statistics for current connections and peak connections. List of all current connections between devices and the server.
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: ########## Connection SMS Sender (Mon Feb 06 13:51:46 CET 2017) ##########
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: Description: List of all pending SMS messages to be sent.
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: -- SMS-DelQ --
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: DelayQueue (Name: SMS-DelQ, Size: 0 object(s), Head: null, Current Date: Mon Feb 06 13:51:46 CET 2017)
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: obj2DqeMap (Object To DelayQueueElement Map) (0 objects sorted by dequeue time)
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: ########## Connection Notification Sender APNS (Mon Feb 06 13:51:46 CET 2017) ##########
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: Description: Details about the connections to the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) servers.
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for To Do Development to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_TODO_DEVELOPMENT
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for To Do Development Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_TODO_DEVELOPMENT_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for To Do Production to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195, but it is enabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_TODO_PRODUCTION
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for To Do Production Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_TODO_PRODUCTION_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse for Citrix Development to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_CITRIX_DEVELOPMENT
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse for Citrix Development Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_CITRIX_DEVELOPMENT_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse for Citrix Production to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195, but it is enabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_CITRIX_PRODUCTION
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse for Citrix Production Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_CITRIX_PRODUCTION_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse Development to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_IBM_DEVELOPMENT
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse Development Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_IBM_DEVELOPMENT_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse Production to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195, but it is enabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_IBM_PRODUCTION
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Verse Production Sandbox to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_APPLE_VERSE_IBM_PRODUCTION_SANDBOX
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for MaaS360 Development to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_MAAS360_DEVELOPMENT
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for MaaS360 Production to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_MAAS360_PRODUCTION
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Third Party Development to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_THIRD_PARTY_DEVELOPMENT
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: No connection for Third Party Production to gateway.push.apple.com on port 2195 because it is disabled via NTS_PUSH_ENABLE_APNS_THIRD_PARTY_PRODUCTION
06.02.2017 13:51:46 Traveler: -- Certificate Validity Dates (Mon Feb 06 13:51:46 CET 2017) --
06.02.2017 13:51:48 Traveler: D:\Programs\Domino\data\traveler\cfg\PushAPNSAppleToDoProduction.p12 is valid from Wed Jul 13 15:10:31 CEST 2016 to Sat Aug 12 15:10:31 CEST 2017.
06.02.2017 13:51:49 Traveler: D:\Programs\Domino\data\traveler\cfg\PushAPNSAppleVerseCitrixProduction.p12 is valid from Wed Jul 13 15:25:41 CEST 2016 to Sat Aug 12 15:25:41 CEST 2017.
06.02.2017 13:51:50 Traveler: D:\Programs\Domino\data\traveler\cfg\PushAPNSAppleVerseIBMProduction.p12 is valid from Wed Jul 13 15:17:45 CEST 2016 to Sat Aug 12 15:17:45 CEST 2017.
06.02.2017 13:51:50 Traveler: -- APNS-DelQ --...
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