Lotus Notes Client 8.5.3 for Mac -Menus Appear, but Do Not Function
Detlev Poettgen Februar 25 2012 09:14:04 AM
Hierzu ist gerade folgende Technote erschienen. Das Problem tritt unter bestimmten Umstaenden sowohl beim Standard- als auch beim Basic-Client auf.Problem
When using Notes 8.5.3 basic on the Macintosh platform, the top menu bar shows menu options for the Notes client, but clicking has no effect. Keyboard shortcuts still function correctly.
Notes 8.5.3 Basic & Macintosh 10.7.x
Resolving the problem
1. Close Notes client
2. Right click on Notes icon in Applications and select "Show Package Contents"
3. Open "Contents" folder
4. Edit "info.plist" file
5.Find and remove the following two lines
6. Save changes
7. Start Basic Notes
This issue has been seen to occur, rarely, on 8.5.3 Standard, when upgraded from an unsupported version, such as 8.5.2 on OS X 10.7.x. In this case, recreating the local names.nsf has been found to resolve the issue.
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