Does Traveler support ActiveSync on Android?
Detlev Poettgen Oktober 31 2013 04:18:12 PM
Today I was asked three times, if Traveler 9.0.1 will now support ActiveSync on Android.They had been told by another consultant a few days ago, that IBM Notes Traveler 9.0.1 will support ActiveSync on Android.
The answer was and is no!
There is an IBM Technote out there, which was updated today:
Does Traveler support the Active Sync Protocol on Android devices?
No, Active Sync is not support on Android devices, the Notes Traveler Client must be used.
Traveler implements a subset of the Active Sync protocol, to be used with Apple and Windows devices.
Android could be using a part of the protocol that is not implemented in Traveler and as such cannot be supported at this time.
So please, don't even think about it.
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