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Apple macOS Sierra and IBM Notes 9.0.1 client

Detlev Poettgen  Oktober 1 2016 09:35:16 AM
Does IBM Notes support Apple's macOS Sierra (aka OS X 10.12)?

IBM Notes 9.0.1 64-bit running 9.0.1 Interim Fix 5 or above supports macOS Sierra and OS X 10.11.

Yesteday IBM released an Interims Fix 9.0.1 IF5, which will brings Sierra support for IBM Notes 9.0.1 64Bit.

Note: If you need to install Notes on a new Mac, you will have to install first Notes 9.0.1 64Bit and then IF5.

via IBM Technote:

The installation of IF5 was smooth and the Notes 9.0.1 IF5 client is fine on my macBook.


