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Let’s Encrypt now supports Wildcard Certificates and LE4D will support it too

Detlev Poettgen  März 13 2018 05:32:57 PM
 Today Let's Encrypt starts to issue official wildcard certificates for free.

Image:Let’s Encrypt now supports Wildcard Certificates and LE4D will support it too

We’re pleased to announce that ACMEv2 and wildcard certificate support is live!
With today’s new features we’re continuing to break down barriers for HTTPS adoption across the Web by making it even easier for every website to get and manage certificates.

Wildcard certificates allow you to secure all subdomains of a domain with a single certificate. Wildcard certificates can make certificate management easier in some cases, and we want to address those cases in order to help get the Web to 100% HTTPS. We still recommend non-wildcard certificates for most use cases.

Wildcard certificates are only available via ACMEv2. In order to use ACMEv2 for wildcard or non-wildcard certificates you’ll need a client that has been updated to support ACMEv2. It is our intent to transition all clients and subscribers to ACMEv2, though we have not set an end-of-life date for our ACMEv1 API yet.
Additionally, wildcard domains must be validated using the DNS-01 challenge type. This means that you’ll need to modify DNS TXT records in order to demonstrate control over a domain for the purpose of obtaining a wildcard certificate.

via Let's Encrypt Community announcement

We already extended our existing midpoints Let's Encrypt 4 Domino (LE4D) client to support the ACMEv2 API.

The plan is to release midpoints Let's Encrypt 4 Domino v2 in the next few weeks, after we will have finished some final tests.

So yes - LE4D v2 will support wildcard certificates!

But you should have one already in mind. To use wildcard certificates - ACMEv2 will do the validation using a DNS-01 challenge. That will require to add a DNS TXT record to your public DNS zone.
A fully automatic solution will not work with all used DNS servers.

But we will explain this in more detail, when we will release LE4D v2. Stay tuned

1David Schiffer   03/13/2018 7:18:45 PM  Let’s Encrypt now supports Wildcard Certificates and LE4D will support it too

Hey that are great news

Thanks a lot

2Andrew Magerman  03/14/2018 2:00:45 PM  Let’s Encrypt now supports Wildcard Certificates and LE4D will support it too

A small question - will v2 support partitioned servers (I want it for!)

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