fighting for truth, justice, and a kick-butt lotus notes experience.

Get the facts Exchange vs Domino

Detlev Poettgen  Juni 4 2011 02:12:06 PM
Ich bin grad ueber einen sehr umfangreichen Vergleich zwischen Microsoft Exchange 2010 und Lotus Domino 8.5 gestossen.

Es wird im Detail auf die Beweggründe einer Migration eingegangen:

This document provides a comparison between Lotus Domino 8.5 and Microsoft Exchange 2010 based on factual and verifiable information.
This document is an aggregation of a series of blog articles, which were published (in Dutch) on socialsoftwareblog. Lotus Domino and Microsoft Exchange will be compared in several areas. The base for this comparison is Microsoft’s Exchange vs. Domino marketing page. On this page Microsoft discusses several functional areas which they consider to have a competitive advantage of Microsoft Exchange over Lotus Domino. This document will look at how the arguments they use compare to the truth.
This document will then discuss other functional areas, which are relevant for a good comparison between the products, but that Microsoft consciously or subconsciously left out.
It’s no surprise that most of these parts are functional areas where Lotus Domino has a competitive advantage over Microsoft Exchange.

The areas that will be discussed in this document are:
  • The User Experience
  • Enterprise services & Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Unified Communications
  • Enterprise Mobility
  • Interoperability
  • Storage, archiving and retention
  • Upgrading your environment
  • Workflow applications
  • Integration with Social software

Viele der in der Studie geschilderten Punkte kenne ich aus zahlreich geführten Diskussionen. Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen sich das PDF durchzulesen und seine Schlüsse daraus zu ziehen.


Ralf, vielen Dank für den Tip.

1Marc Lüling  08/02/2011 2:37:34 PM  Get the facts Exchange vs Domino

Leider entscheiden sich die meisten CIO`s für Outlook nur wegen dem feel & look.

Ich habe es selber erlebt! .-(

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