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After Upgrading to Traveler you may need to run the new DbAccountsCheck Command

Detlev Poettgen  Februar 3 2016 04:01:43 PM
Two weeks ago IBM released a new Version of IBM Notes Traveler

When you upgrade to, Traveler will perform a new check, if doubled account records exists in a specific table of the Derby / Enterprise database. The account records must be unique. But in the past there could be a second record been created under certain circumstances.

You will get more or less of these messages after starting the Traveler server:

"CN=Frank Demo/OU=West/O=Foo has 2 account IDs when there should be only one account ID. You may need to reset CN=Frank Demo/OU=West/O=Foo 2 times.
30 out of 831 users had multiple account IDs and may need to be reset multiple times

To get this fixed you need to run the new DBAccountsCheck Command:

Starting with, the Traveler server has been updated to solve it, but also will create a unique index on the account table to prevent any future possibility of this problem from happening. However, the unique property can not be applied while the account table has non-unique data (i.e., users with multiple accounts). Follow these steps to ensure that no user has multiple accounts.

1) Run DbAccountsCheck command in show mode to determine if the problem exists.

           tell traveler DbAccountsCheck show *

Image:After Upgrading to Traveler you may need to run the new DbAccountsCheck Command

2) If any users are reported with this issue then the account table constraint has not yet been added to the account table. To remove the multiple accounts run a reset * command for the user once for each account. I.E. if the user has two accounts run the reset * command for the user twice. The DbAccountsCheck tell command has a repair option to simplify this operation.

          tell traveler DbAccountsCheck repair

In repair mode it is advisable to run in small batches and during off peak hours to ensure no performance impact on the system. In general batches of 50 or 100 users at a time should pose little impact to the overall system performance.

          tell traveler DbAccountsCheck repair 50

3) Once all users with multiple accounts are cleared up the unique constraint should automatically be added to the account table. To verify run the DbAccountsCheck show option again

Because the repair option will enforce an reset * command, have in mind, that the specific users will get an initial sync for their devices. So running the command in small batches will make sense.

We had to run the DbAccountCheck Command on most of the systems, we already upgraded to

1Sebastian Treu  02/09/2016 11:54:04 AM  After Upgrading to Traveler you may need to run the new DbAccountsCheck Command

thx 4 sharing

this helped me to get rid of this message!

2Jan Henrik Schlüter  02/16/2016 8:29:02 AM  After Upgrading to Traveler you may need to run the new DbAccountsCheck Command


danke für die Erläuterung. Deine Texte lesen sich auf jeden Fall besser als die IBM Wikis ;-)


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